I've had a strange bump on my other ear, that my staff had been wondering what it was. It didn't bother me, but they decided that the vet should take a look at it. So off to the vet we went.
She took a look at the ear, and stated that it was a harmless "blood-ear", common to many dogs with floppy ears and shaking their heads. Apparently a blood vessel had bursted in my ear, and there was a bump full of blood. The vet emptied the bump, put some meds in it and gave a cheer-me-up shot. All clear.
So, the rest of the evening was quite fuzzy when I was recovering from the trip.
Mom took an advantage of my tiredness, and held me on her lap for a long while. I don't usually stay like this for long. Didn't mind this setup though.
This is me today, fully recovered from the incident. Allthough my operated ear will remain a bit dented. Mom says that it just adds to my character, and I believe her.
Have a great Caturday!