Monday, 1 May 2017

May Day, May Day

The first of May, I got to celebrate it by going outside. It had been snowing (I kid you not) a couple of days, but now we have sunlight. And hard wind which kind of neutralizes the warmth of the sun, but we take what we get.

I found an interesting red feather from the garden to play with. I thought it must have belonged to a very exotic bird, but apparently it was just a left over decorations from Easter. Anyways, it was fun to chase it.

My staff had a day off today, but tomorrow it's back to business. See you!


  1. DOOD...under noe set oh circumstanzes play with, carree, bring inta de houz ore any kind any thing else... that burd uz on thiz ~~~ ☺☺♥♥

  2. We are glad the snow is going and you got to get out in the sunshine.
    We may see sun Wed and Thursday, but lots of rain the rest of the time.
    We are happy to stay indoors and let mum get wet ;)
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

    1. We can enjoy springish weather this week, but next week should be cold again. So unfair...

  3. There has been snow in the upper middle United States as well. What is this crazy weather?

  4. We're glad you got to go out and enjoy some sun, Carlos.
