Tuesday 21 July 2015

Curly tail

This is me sleeping under the table, which is one of my favourite spots to doze off.

I thought to make some tail art while I was at it. Curly tail positioning, what do you think?


  1. dood...we think thiz art peece iz mew seum werthee...

    now all ya knead iz one oh thoz fancee names for yur peece ....like ya see other peeces haz.......

    ewe can call it..

    cat on rug on wooden floor with knot strait tale in summer slumber next two sturdee steel silver table leg hidden in shade

    ore sum thin....


  2. We like this art!
    Our Julie(also a black cat) also likes to curl her tail.
    We purr you have a great snooze under the table in the sun :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. It's like a reverse question mark tail!
