Friday 6 March 2015

It's my birthday!

Oh yes, it's my birthday today!
I'm turning TWO whole years now! I'm a big cat already, aren't I?

But the humans failed, they forgot to bring me any gifts. I don't know if I can forgive them.
They said they would bring something tomorrow. Let's hope they really will do that.

So here's a fresh picture of me. It actually looks like I would be dead. But I'm not, I'm just in a post-skritching-coma-bliss. You cats know what I mean. A great state of mind if you ask me.

Ok, here's another one if you don't believe I'm fine. I am. Although a bit upset because the ignorance of my staff.

Oh well, it's Friday so let's not mope anymore. 

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Happy birthday, Carlos! We hope you get lots of great gifts, and catnip and treats too! :-)

  2. DOOD !!!! happee day wishes, best fishes N mice creem dishes two ewe ♫♪♫♪♫♫♫♪...

    a veree happee second N heerz ta 22 mor...

    may bee be de time ya tern 19 de staff will rememburr they iz SPOZED....TA.... BUY......EWE......GIFTS....

    hope yur day iz way awesum FUN, enjoy, we trust ya at leest getted ta eat sum fresh fish N heerz two a yeer
    a head filled with happee nezz & health !!!

    N heerz two a flagfish N false cat shark kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

    1. pee ezz...inn deed scritchin comaz R grate !!!

  3. Happy birthday, Carlos! How can your human neglect such an important day?!

  4. Happy Birthday Carlos! You are getting to be a big kitty.

    Maybe the beans plan to spend the entire weekend catering to your efurry whim. That would be a great birthday present!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. Meow Mr. Carlos! Happy Second Purr Day! We are sending you fresh nip all the way Florida USA so you can celebrate in style!


    Purrs & Headbonks,
    Lilith, Rosco, Tina, & Lucky
    The Feline Contingent

  6. Happy Birthday, Carlos! We sure hope your humans remember to bring you something fun.

  7. Happy Birthday Carlos! From all of us.

    Jackson, Hershey, Bear & Princess Fiona Fuzzy Paws
