Thursday, 2 April 2015

The sun on my furs

What a lovely sunshine we have right now! It feels like spring again!

The humans are also hypnotized by my furs floating on the air in the sunlight, and finally landing on the newly vacuumed floor. It's very artsy if you ask me!

Happy Easter friends, we'll enjoy our freetime!


  1. Happy Easter weekend to you all, Carlos. We hope you have lots of sunshine over the holiday!

  2. You are a beauty Carlos. I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you.

  3. dood...heerz ta a sunny fun filled fryday, caturday & SUNday two ewe ...and inn deed...nothinz better
    ona new lee vacuumed floor then bee art at itz best ~~~ ☺

    see ya monday ...heerz two a happee easturr ~~~~~ dino eggz onlee ~~~~burd free kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  4. You know it's spring when fur goes floating around in the sunlight!

  5. The sun looks good on you Carlos! We had snow and cloudy skies this morning, but mom bean says it will warm up this weekend and we'll get sunny room time.
    Happy Easter!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Mommy says that type of Art Installation is quite common here!
