Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Some snacks for me please

The kids can be pretty nice sometimes. Especially when they are eating something, they are the most generous with the hand outs from the table.
The downside is that they usually make me work for the snacks... Nothing comes for free I guess. They want to see me do some tricks, like jump for the stupid snack. Well, I usually do almost anything for a good snack, so I jump. 

Give it to me already!

Score!! Delicious ham, come to papa!! 


  1. What ever it takes,
    as long as it works :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  2. Carlos, if it is any consolation, my human makes us do tricks for our treats here too (or at least pose for photos). And she is totally a grown-up.

    1. Good to hear that I'm not the only one suffering from this!

  3. dood...if ewe want free...get a hammer anda saw N wait til everee one iz sleepin...act shoo a lee while they R outta de houz werks best....desperate timez call for de same meazurez tho...

    saw de fridge door til it looks like itz gonna fall off then smack de door ta de ground.....

    free ham...cheeze, may bee sum pie...butter, poss a bull left overs frum ther dinner....


    1. Your imagination has no limits! I need to try this one out! I'm getting tired of doing stupid tricks!

  4. Amigo Carlos, nós também fazemos qualquer coisa por comida hehehehe

  5. Saku suggests a bite or a scratch of the bean might work, but that's 'cuz he's not that bright. All it does is get the bean mad...no treats for anyone, silly little brofur!

    We likes de tabbies idea best, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  6. Nothing like working for a meal! You did good, Carlos!
