Monday 30 November 2015

Jingle bells and all that

So the first candle has been lit, and the countdown to Christmas has begun. Mom has been fussing about Christmas a while already, and I heard the Santa Claus is coming by our house on Christmas Eve. I hope that mom brings a decent tree in this time, last years version  was so dense that I had trouble climbing on it.

So December, bring it on, we're ready!

Saturday 28 November 2015

Stupid cleaning day

The only good thing in cleaning days is the variety of napping spots that appear here and there. That's about It.

Friday 27 November 2015

Impromptu nap

Sometimes the best naps happen when you least expect it, in a spot that happens to be in a right place at the right time.

Happy Friday friends!

Thursday 26 November 2015

Now this is getting interesting...

Last time it was the dishes mom was organizing, now it's the dry foods. Very interesting smells I can tell you...

There was one especially interesting package I spotted.

The smell was so lovely and fishy that I had to try and rip the package open. 

My mom didn't let me eat it though... Turned out it was some chili fish snack they had brought back home from Thailand a while ago. All the weird things humans do store in their closets...

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Silly humans

Suddenly my mom got an idea to empty her kitchen drawers on the table and I thought I'd take a look. She called it the great Christmas cleaning. There was nothing that would interest me, but it's better to check anyways.

About the yesterday's green thing, it is an exercise machine for humans. Luckily it's not a vacuum cleaner, we don't need any more of those in this house.

Sunday 22 November 2015


It was about time! Some peace and quiet on the sofa with my mom.

Saturday 21 November 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We have snow, and loads of it! It's lovely since it brings lightness to the darkness of this winter. I sneaked out again, but I also got to inspect the snow inside.

The kids are crazy for snow, and after rolling and running around it for a while they brought some of it inside in their shoes and clothes. I was a bit intrigued...

Have a great Caturday!!

Thursday 19 November 2015

Busy times...

Hello and good night from my place! My mom is very busy it seems, haven't seen that much of her lately. Looks like she's on the go the whole weekend so we'll see if she has time for me at all! Well, as long as she keeps the food coming I just might forgive her...

Tuesday 17 November 2015

DIY cat tree, or sort of...

Remember that my new cat tree got broken a couple of days ago? Well, my mom felt sorry for me since I couldn't continue with my usual garden supervising routine without the tree. The handy woman she is, she pulled together a quick fix for it.

Quite cool huh? Maybe not according to every safety regulations, but I'm not afraid of living on the edge every now and then! 

Monday 16 November 2015

Taking it easy

I had some company on the sofa with me  today, since mom couldn't go to work. There's been a major flu wave going around our house and now she's coughing her lungs out and has lost her voice too. She shouldn't speak at all, but she claim it's impossible in a house with three men (well mostly boys) and a cat. She says we would need all kinds of advice all the time. I don't get it.

But we are hanging out on the sofa together and that is pretty cool for a Monday.

Sunday 15 November 2015

Snow and stuff

Friends, we have finally had the first kind of snow for this fall/winter. I said kind of, because it was basically slush that eventually turned into plain rain. But if you squeezed your eyes a bit, it kind of looked like snow. The slushy snow stayed on the lawn long enough for the kids to go all crazy and roll some serious snowballs, test drive their sledges, and get all their outwear wet. I sneaked out for a bit too, and I didn't mind the snow at all. I would have stayed longer, but my mom didn't let me. 

But surely, it's much nicer inside.

I hope you've had a great weekend!

Friday 13 November 2015

Tug of war

That's what the Google translate called this activity, sounds weird to me but maybe you get the point. Some fun and games with the kid on a Friday night. Have a great weekend!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Wordless Wednesday: All the weird things humans eat

Except that it's Thursday already! Oh my, I'm all mixed up with the days... But I guess it's fine since thank God tomorrow's Friday!!!

Tuesday 10 November 2015

What have they done!!!

Look what has happened to my brand new cat tree!

This time, it really wasn't me who broke it. It was one of the small humans who was "leaning" on to it a bit too much.

Well, it was fine while it lasted but how am I supposed to supervise my house now when I can't reach to the window? Lesson learned, don't let your humans get too close to your cat tree.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Good evening!

It's Caturday! The best day and evening of the week if you ask me! Tomorrow we celebrate Father's day here. I haven't yet figured out my present to the big one, but  I think I will come up with something...

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Playing around

My favourite human toy is a game with marbles the staff tries to hide from me. Especially during the nights when I would love to play with it. 

You can try to hide it but I will always find it...

You humans think you're clever huh? Think again...

If only I could get it out of here...

There! Now out with the marbles!

Let them roll!!!

Oh well, after all the marbles are rolled all over the room, I'm done. Well at least until the night comes and I start searching the marbles again and roll them around. So much fun!

Monday 2 November 2015


I got some food from the table today.

Not too shabby for a Monday!

Sunday 1 November 2015


My mom thought that Halloween was already over, but then she saw this spooky one-laser-eyed black creature...
