Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year!!

OMC, it's almost new year friends! In one hour the 2015 will be here in our neighbourhoods. It's been a good one, let's hope the new will be even better!

There's a lot of fireworks and fire crackers going off around here, and we had some too. I don't mind all the noise, I just watch through the window what is happening.

There's one for you!

I hope you will have a great year coming up, thank you so much for hanging out with me in my blog, I hope to see you here next year too!

Tuesday 30 December 2014


The secretary has gone all crazy with her healthy breakfast stuff. Can you believe she's now making GREEN smoothies almost every morning! Ick! I was watching her preparing her smoothie the other day, and I have to say I was somewhat disgusted.

She doesn't even put any meat or fish in it, only green stuff. And yet she claims it's healthy? I beg to differ. 

It is so hard to understand humans...

Monday 29 December 2014

It was about time!!

I thought I have to write today's post with my own paws, since the secretary seemed to have forgotten about it alltogether! One of the kids was already holding his mobile for me to help out, but finally the secretary got her act together and took care of her main duty!

Monday is almost finished, and the going back to reality was quite manageable. 

See ya!

Sunday 28 December 2014

Ready for work?

Not me of course, but the secretary has to go back to work already tomorrow. Too bad for her, I'll just go on relaxing here in front of the fire place. Good times, good times...

I hope you've had a lovely Christmas time and that the return to reality wouldn't be too hard!

Saturday 27 December 2014

There is a new fellow in town

The Santa Claus brought also the kids loads of presents. One of them was this weird fellow, a dog who barks, burps and farts.

I have never met a dog, but maybe they do act like that in reality? 

Luckily this one has an on-off button, I guess the real ones don't...

Happy Caturday!!

Friday 26 December 2014

Still standing

I have made several attempts to bring down the Christmas tree. I have approached the target from several angles to be able to find the best way to do it. I have been able to tilt the tree so, that the humans have had to put a chair against the tree in order to keep it from falling down. 

The most fun I've had while running around UNDER the tree. There are loads of fallen needles on the floor because of that. 

Anyhow, all good things come to an end, I've heard the humans talking they would get rid of the tree tomorrow... Well, we'll see if that happens!

Thursday 25 December 2014

Lovely lazy day...

This Christmas time must be the best time of the year for a kitty. Humans are right there to serve you, and you get to taste some delicious fresh live dead HUMAN food in addition to your normal food. I hope everyday could be like this!

By the way, you were asking about the Christmas tree business. Well, I'm happy to report that yesterday evening I was almost able to get the tree to fall down. Too bad the secretary was fast enough to catch it on time. Well, I will keep trying!!

Wednesday 24 December 2014


Friends, this has been a very good day. The Christmas Eve, the day of the days. We've had the house full of relatives during the day, and I behaved quite well, and made even some new aquaintances!
But anyhow, I must have been a very good kitty, since I got some great gifts! The Santa Clause came to our place, and brought so many great presents to all of us. The secretary is too tired now to take pictures of my stuff, but I think she'll might do it later. I got FOUR different kinds of treats!!! I LOVE them! I also got a huge mouse, that moves by itself! I'm not yet sure if it's great or scary.
I was kind of allowed to the great Christmas Dinner table. I was laying on the chair besides the secretary, and she slipped down loads of tasty bits of her food for me! I got some smoked turkey, smoked salmon and very well cooked beef... I was in a food heaven!!
Now it's just relaxing, chillaxing and eating food, snacks, candy, chocolate etc! Ok, that was the humans part. I always have it like that!
To finish this post, the secretary had some quite questionable pictures of me... All I have to say to my defense is, that I didn't even touch the darn tree, the needles really just fell on my fur  when I was passing the tree!! I swear!!!

I swear!!!
But now, over and out, have a beautiful Christmas where ever you are!

Tuesday 23 December 2014

O'Tannenbaum, anno 2014

Ok, I don't know if anyone understood the nifty subject line the secretary put together, but I think the pictures will tell you more than words.

The tree has settled in, and the humansput the decorations on. I offered my helping paw, but they said they would do it without my assistance. They should have given it a second thought, since they forgot to put any ornaments on the lower branches!! Now it's a lot more difficult for me to reach them! That's exactly what happens when you let humans do stuff on their own!

But, I guess the tree turned out pretty ok anyway. It's nice to look at laying on top of the warm fire place.

Tomorrow is the big day! I heard the house will be filled with humans at some point, I don't know what to think of that. But I don't care, I also heard that the dude in red will bring me some great pressies!!

Monday 22 December 2014

Let me introduce you... our Christmas tree! 

I know it looks a bit strange, but that is because it has just been taken off from the wrapping net. It will look great I'm sure. At least the taste was decent! The secretary took a huge risk when she sent the big one to shop the tree ALL by himself! But looks like the risk was worth it, the big one chose a very pretty one.

Oh, it's only two nights now for us impatient Finns! The Santa will come by on Christmas Eve and bring loads of gifts! I can't wait!!!

Sunday 21 December 2014


The second my secretary sat down on the sofa after cleaning up the whole day, I was able to get my lap time!

I've been waiting for this two days now!! Finally she has time for me!

Saturday 20 December 2014

So much for the holiday...

One thing I had totally forgotten with this Christmas business, was that the humans go all crazy with cleaning up for the big day... Sigh. The secretary has been going on like a crazy lady all day long with the vacuum cleaner and other weird stuff she uses for cleaning up the house.

So I have been pretty much neglected today. And I'm afraid she will still continue tomorrow... Well, at least she becomes happier when the house is clean!

Happy Caturday!!

Friday 19 December 2014


It's Christmas holiday!! For one whole week I have the secretary for myself.

It's been a busy week, but we made it! I think we all are survivors after stupid Mondays etc. 

The secretary was trying to make a Christmas shopping list, but I thought she should just have a break and give me some scritches. And so she did.

Have a happy Friday!!

Thursday 18 December 2014

Chasing after hidden toes

I love love love chasing hidden human toes! Emphasis on the word hidden. If the human has her toes just clearly visible and accessible, it's not interesting at all. But if they are placed under a blanket, or if the human is sitting on them, it's a whole another ballgame!

Like in these pictures, score!

Friends, only one stupid workday before the sweet Christmas holiday starts for us! We can do it!!

Wednesday 17 December 2014

White Christmas!

OMC, it seems we'll be having a white Christmas after all! Until yesterday it has been just so dark, grey and rainy, but now we have snow!

It's not that much, but just enough for the scenery to look very Christmassy. The temperature is also a very pleasant - 3 C, just enough to keep the snow from melting. It should be like this until next week, at least we hope so! The human says she would love to have weather like this until the end of February, and then spring could kick in properly. Well, the weather Gods might have something else on their mind...

Despite the lovely snow, I have been admiring it only through the window...

Tuesday 16 December 2014


My work is finally done! The humans forgot to close the door so I had unlimited acces to the tiny Christmas tree. By the way, I'm totally blaming the Spiderman for this! Not sure if the humans believe me but that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Also, just between us, the Spiderman is really called Timo. I probably shouldn't have revealed this information, but I know I can trust that you don't tell this any further!

So now, bring on the big tree, I'm ready!!

Monday 15 December 2014

Keep calm and carry on

Today my human has felt a bit like this poor bunny here. So this Monday has not been the best. Well, we've had worse ones but certainly better ones too.

But who cares, it's only one week until the Christmas holidays!!! Yay!! I'll be finally having my staff's full attention. 

Have a great week!

Sunday 14 December 2014

Almost done...

Just a couple of more ornaments down...

...and I've finished this project!

Now, time for a good nights sleep! 

So, good night friends!

Saturday 13 December 2014

Enjoying my solitude

Sometimes when the rest of the house feels too noisy and crowded, I retire to my litter box room to have a quiet nap. Especially if the secretary has put a nice comfortable place for me to rest on.

It's a bit fuzzy picture, but there I am on the cushions. She also put a Christmas light on the window, so it's very nice and cozy here.

I hope you have a nice Caturday!

Friday 12 December 2014

Bad behaviour continues...

I guess this time before Christmas is not the best time for bad behaviour... But I can't help myself...

If I see a beanie, that would look a lot better without the tassel, I take the matter into my own paws and remove the tassel. As simple as that.

Have a great Friday!!

Thursday 11 December 2014

Oops, game over!

You might share my concern that the kids nowadays spend too much time playing with their Playstations or pads or whatever. Well, I decided to go ahead and do something about it!

There! Try playing with a control that's wire is chewed off in two places!! You can't do that can you? 

Well, too bad I happened to destroy the ancient PS2, which isn't really in use anymore because they have a newer model, which has WIRELESS controllers... Oh darn... But at least I tried!!

Wednesday 10 December 2014

You know what's really hard?

Obviously watching humans work or clean up the house.

Like here when she was cleaning up the kitchen. 

Or here while she was vacuuming the living room.

I get SO tired watching her clean up the house, that I must take a nap. It's so exhausting!

Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday 9 December 2014

My Christmas tree!!

Well, officially it belongs to the kids, but I'm a cat and I don't care about such formalities. Everything in this house belongs to me if I can reach it. Period. 

So, let me introduce you to my tree!

It's exactly the right size for me, and I can easily reach ALL the nice ornaments. I think we'll be having SO much fun together, me and my Christmas tree.

Obviously this is not the actual tree the humans are getting a bit later on. The proper tree will be put downstairs, and that should be even more interesting and challenging. But this one will do just fine so far!

Merry jinglebells on the tannenbaum!!

Monday 8 December 2014


This morning the secretary went all crazy in Pinterest when trying to motivate herself to yet another Monday after a lovely weekend. As you probably know, Pinterest is filled with a lot of everything, so it wasn't too hard to find some kick-ass motivation/defence for Monday.

So here we go, kitties and critters to the resque.... all images from Pinterest.

I think that's a good enough reason to stay in bed all day!!

Yes, please do!!!

There you have it! Don't mess with this kitty here!

No it doesn't....

Soon buddy, very soon!

But you know what, Monday went pretty easy on us this time! I even got myself a private Christmas tree with lovely ornaments! Well, the humans claim it's the kid's tree, but I think it looks like it was made for me! I think I'll post you some pictures of it tomorrow.

Have a fab week!

Sunday 7 December 2014

Good night from us!

The secretary is watching some tv, and I'm enjoying some lap time.

I also took the time to clean my toes at the same time.

It's nice to have clean toes you know!

The weekend has been very fine around here. I guess we should be ready for Monday, but I think we'll see about that tomorrow.

See ya!