Saturday 30 September 2017

Lazy Caturday

Hello friends! We are enjoying a nice and slow Caturday morning. Mom is considering painting some walls, I'm just chilling like I usually do.

Have a great weekend!

Monday 11 September 2017

About cat toys

Good to hear that I'm not getting old, and good to know that there are likeminded kitties out there. Anyhow, sometimes I find my own toys, in unexpected ways. When my mom paid good money for the toy she brought me a couple of days ago, I found a very exciting toy, that didn't cost a penny.

Meet a grey hair elastic (or what do you call these...), that was left inside a library book mom brought home, probably left there by a previous lender. It dropped on the floor, I found it and now I own it. Had a blast with it this afternoon. We cats can be so resourceful!

Saturday 9 September 2017

New toy!

Mom bought me a new feathery toy just like that. Maybe she was trying to compensate for all the time she nowadays spends knitting instead of playing with me. Seriously, I think her knitting is getting out of hands. Anyways, I played with the new toy for like five minutes, and then I got bored with it. Am I getting old?