Saturday 18 November 2017

Still alive and kicking!

I’m here, and all is fine with us! Except that apparently blogger doesn’t have an iPhone app available anymore,  which made this blogging thing much harder for mom. You know, she likes to make the posts with her phone, how very professional...

Anyhow, here are some pics of me, doing random stuff.

Mom was cleaning up the house the other day, I was kind enough to offer my assistance.

Apparently she saw through my sneaky plan to escape outside while "helping" her, and didn't let me take part on the cleaning...

Mom has gone a bit crazy on You know she's knitting all kinds of stuff, so she has been ordering stuff related to her crafts. Anyhow, she fell for a hand knitted cat bed, which she ordered for me all the way from Lithuania. She knew there would be a risk that I wouldn't give a crap about the bed,  but she thought it was so nice anyhow. Well as you can see, I haven't accepted that cat bed as one of my official napping spots. I think she can find some other purpose for that thing. Instead, this woolen blanket my mom has done herself, is one of my favorites. The only problem is that my claws get stuck on it sometimes, and mom doesn't really appreciate it...

See me? There's always time for lounging on the stairs too!

I hope you all are doing fine too, have a great Caturday!!