Friday 28 February 2014


Allthough the staff has been on holiday the whole week, Friday is still Friday. 

Have a fun weekend friends, we are just hanging out on the sofa and enjoying some snacks.

See you!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Take me back, now...

Friends, I've  been through something  very confusing. Last Sunday I was suddenly put into my travel box, and taken to a nice lady. I think I remembered the place from before, but I had to be careful of course before letting my guard down. Then my secretary just left.
My staff had told me that they would be going for a skiing holiday up north, and I couldn't follow with them. Ok, six hours in the car didn't feel tempting at all so I thought I'd give this a try.
I have to say that I liked it. I had a very nice time. Actually, I had such a nice time that I was a bit upset when I was fetched home yesterday. I was kind of thinking that maybe I would be staying with the nice lady for good! I hadn't been thinking about my family at all.

But then I was taken back to my mansion again. I'm quite pissed off with my staff right now, they are really messing with my routines! I have SO much to do here now. I have to go and get my smell all around the house all over again, I have to check what were the places to be etc etc, you can only imagine. I guess the lady of the house was expecting plenty of nice purrs and cuddles from me after this time apart, but she's not getting any!! I didn't even get close to her, and kept my distance to all of them! I really need my space right now, while trying to settle down again! I even went back to my travel box in case they would take me back to the nice lady again, but they didn't. Well, I really need to get my point of view clear to them, I can't let this pass unpunished!
OK, so the big one gave me some really good nip in the evening, and I gave in. I really can't stay strong when nip is involved. I admit, I was purring and cuddling with the secretary in no time after that. I'll be giving them a lesson some other time.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Kitchen patrol

Everytime the secretary is doing something in the kitchen, I will need to proceed with my kitchen patrol duties.

I usually jump on the table to watch more closely what she is doing, but this is another spot I like to hang out. It's right next to the garbage bin cabinet, and sometimes there can be real treats going to the garbage bin! If I'm fast enough, I can grab a bite or two before the door closes!
So I better be prepared...

Monday 24 February 2014


How are you doing?
It's Monday, but the kids have a week off from school (the annual skiing holiday), so we are all off from our duties! Yayyyyyy!! Have a nice beginning of your week!

Sunday 23 February 2014

Guess what I ate???

Dudes, you'll never guess what I got to eat the other day!! I bet most of you haven't had this delicacy ever! Actually, some of you might think it's a bit cruel to eat this stuff, but well, it's meat so I eat it. Let's just say that maybe the Santa Claus won't be coming to town next year...

It was reindeer meat guys! Fresh live dead reindeer meat! As you can see, it was pretty good!
And, don't worry, the secretary promised it wasn't the Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer, so the Santa Claus will come next year too! I guess this one was one poor reindeer fellow who didn't quite have what it takes to be a Santa's reindeer...

Saturday 22 February 2014

Olympic games, ice hockey, Finland and USA..

Friends, we are experiencing exciting times! It's the winter olympics, and the icehockey finals for the bronze medal. Some of you might know that now it's our Finnish team against the USA team.

Here you can see me cheering for the Finnish Lions! ROAARRRRRR!!!  No offence my dear friends on the other side of the ocean, but I hope our team will take the victory this time! Yesterday our dear Lions lost the game for our dearest enemy, neighbor Sweden. OMC it was disappointing!!! So I hope our team is filled with the will to fight for the medal!
Ice hockey finals is pretty much the only sports the secretary has watched during these olympics. The Finnish hockey team usually does pretty well, I hope this time too!
Go Selänne, go Granlund, go LIONS!!!
WOW! 5-0 !!!! 5-freaking- 0!!!
Thank you team Finland, what a great game!!

Friday 21 February 2014

I think...

....this bottle needs to be dropped on the floor. Yes, that's what I'm going to do now.

Finally it's Friday dudes!! Have a nice weekend!

Thursday 20 February 2014

The ungrateful humans

The secretary was on sick leave today, and I did what a good cat should do, kept her company.

But look what they did then!

They staged this ridiculous picture of me and just put it here on the interwebs! I had  no idea what they were doing behind my back, I was just trying to look as smashing as always! I was being a good cat, lying on her feet and purring lovingly. Then she does this... I guess she wasn't yet sick enough to mute her stupid sense of humour... I'm thinking she won't be getting any more cuddles from me any time soon!

Wednesday 19 February 2014

One tasty handbag

I don't quite know what it is but there is just something very tasty in the handbag of my secretary. Maybe she has carried some fish in it?

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The challenges of a blogger

Every blogging cat must know the challenges of getting a decent selfie taken. My humans are quite useless photographers, so this is what I have to deal with every day; several takes with the camera, and only few of the photos are somewhat usable. I totally feel what all the fashion bloggers are complaining about; how many photos it really takes before catching a perfect selfie! These are the photos of today....

There! Finally some material I can use! You can also catch a glimpse of the somewhat shy secretary behind me. But, let me assure you, you will rather look at my handsome profile than hers!

Monday 17 February 2014

Playing with the kid

What a Monday, everyone seem to have some starting difficulties for this week. The secretary had a nasty headache, so I was hanging out with the kids. 

Some play time and some cuddles, while the secretary was laying flat in a dark room. I hope she recoveres soon, I really can't babysit for her too long. That really isn't my job. 

Have a nice week!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Piece by piece

I'm so fed up with my old cat tree.
My staff don't take my feelings seriously, so I have to take matters into my own paws again. I have started to tear the whole tree apart piece by piece. I have already made a big hole on the fabric, and now I'm working on tearing the fabric off from the tube. They should really realise the seriousness of this situation, and get me a new one asap!  

Saturday 15 February 2014

Waiting for the summer...

All this talk about my paradise in the interview made me miss summer very much... We have actually another cottage at our disposal too. It's beside a very deep lake, but it isn't on an island so I'm not set completely free there. My staff is afraid that I might just run off and never come back to them, and to tell you the truth, they aren't completely clueless... Also, around the woods out there, there might be bears, lynxes and snakes, so they like to keep me close to them and on a leash. We have never seen any of those animals live, but some traces of lynxes we have seen.
Anyhow, the best thing there is of course the FISH! I'm talking fresh LIVE soon-to-be-dead fish straight from the lake and on to my plate! The big one and the kids like to spend hours fishing on the lake, and if they catch something, it means a great meal to me too! Here's a couple of pictures from there.

Here I am, outside, but on a leash...

This picture is actually a bit embarrassing.... I'm here "camping" with the kids... I'm sure no-one recognizes that sad scribble of a hut the secretary has tried to build for us. You can clearly see that she works INSIDE in an office... She really isn't very crafty person.. Well, the kids liked it but I couldn't care less.

But now we're talking! This is as fresh as it gets dear friends! A fresh, almost dead pike! These guys and perches swim around that small but oh so deep lake, just waiting to be fished on my plate! Oh, I'm starting to drool alerady.... Hey lady, give me my canned tuna asap!!
P.S. My secretary was making some changes to my sidebar yesterday, and she was able to lost the gadget with all my followers somewhere... The followers do exist still, but their pictures aren't on the sidebar anymore... Does someone know how to get them back?

Friday 14 February 2014

I was interviewed for Mousebreath!!

Guess what! I was interviewed by the Funny Farmer Felines for the great Mousbreath magazine!! It was so much fun and I am so happy they wanted to do this! I hope you liked reading it, and if you are a new reader coming via that interview, feel very welcome here!

 You can read the interview here.

Thank you again Funny Farmer Felines! Please go and visit their blog too at
Have a great weekend friends, and have a Happy Valentine! I'm spending the night with my dear friend Carlos the 2nd.

Thursday 13 February 2014


I'm being neglected again. Even though my secretary is at home and I keep close to her, she still doesn't concentrate on ME! She says she's organizing the kids rooms. Hmph. 

This is what I think about that, I'm yawning at her. I guess I'd better take a nap.

By the way, the secretary has been too busy to answer the comments you have so kindly left here. I think I will need to send a note to her other boss to give her a rest, since it's starting to affect her MAIN job! She says she would aim to be better at coming to visit and comment on your blogs from now on. I hope it's fine with you, it's so nice to get comments anyways! 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Gone fishing

Some of you might remember this toy I got some time ago? The fish with feathers and stuff? I still love it! I think it's the best thing after the red dot! I don't care if the feathers have gone missing, this still gets me moving!

It's nice to have a new favourite I can play with whenever I want to. The staff are so slow with the red dot, I can't remember the last time I was allowed to play with it. Hmpf...

Monday 10 February 2014

Gone camping

The kids built a small hide-out in their room, and went camping with some stuffed toys. Carlos the 2nd and I decided to join them. 

It was fun, until the kids got too wild for my taste and started throwing the stuffies around. Well, it was my evening snack time anyways, so I moved on. 

I hope you had a nice weekend and are ready and eager to take on the new week!

Sunday 9 February 2014

A message from the cat

Dear staff,

I didn't appreciate the fact that you nowadays close the door to the kids room at nights. I won't be able to start my night time routine by sleeping in their beds as I would like to. I hope you can read the writings on the wall, and get my message.

Yours sincerely, 

The Boss

Saturday 8 February 2014

New water bowl

As I have mentioned sometimes, I don't like to drink water from my usual water bowl. My staff have been a bit clueless how to give me my water so that I would drink it, but today they finally hit the jackpot.

The lady of the house had left a glass of water on the sofa table. I found it, and thought I'd take a sip. THIS is the way I like my water to be served to me, just like the humans do it!
I think I'm turning into a human considering my habits! I guess it's because I don't have any fellow cats in this household whose habits I could imitate. Let's see what I will embrace next from them.
Oh, the answer to yesterdays question! The mat is being washed, since I happened to vomit on it. I guess I found something I wasn't supposed to eat, and ate it anyway.... That's life.

Friday 7 February 2014

Guess what?

Make a guess where the white mat of the hall is now and why? 

I'll tell you the correct answer tomorrow, now I have to run...

P.s. I might have something to do with the disappearence of the mat...

Thursday 6 February 2014

Desperately seeking a cat tree

Guys, I have gotten bored with my old cat tree. My staff hasn't taken my opinion seriously so far. So I started inventing new options by myself. 

This new tree I tried isn't that good though, it's a bit too skinny. I'm having difficulties to sharpen my claws on it. Luckily I can also scratch the walls, I have finally found a piece of wallpaper that is perfect for that purpose. 

So, I guess I'm covered after all!