Sunday 12 March 2017

Quite a birthday...

Some birthday I had last Monday... I got a ride to the vet, and a sedative shot on my butt. The rest of the evening was a bit fuzzy I must say. Ok, now this sounded very serious, which luckily wasn't the case.

I've had a strange bump on my other ear, that my staff had been wondering what it was. It didn't bother me, but they decided that the vet should take a look at it. So off to the vet we went. 

She took a look at the ear, and stated that it was a harmless "blood-ear", common to many dogs with floppy ears and shaking their heads. Apparently a blood vessel had bursted in my ear, and there was a bump full of blood. The vet emptied the bump, put some meds in it and gave a cheer-me-up shot. All clear.

So, the rest of the evening was quite fuzzy when I was recovering from the trip. 

Tired and fuzzy...

Too tired to play with a box...

Mom took an advantage of my tiredness, and held me on her lap for a long while. I don't usually stay like this for long. Didn't mind this setup though.

This is me today, fully recovered from the incident. Allthough my operated ear will remain a bit dented. Mom says that it just adds to my character, and I believe her.

Have a great Caturday!

Wednesday 1 March 2017


One of you asked me what I've been destroying lately, and as it happens, I have been quite active on that front! 

See this lovely cardboard box, it was just waiting to be scratched! AND to make things even more interesting, the box was high on top of the closet when I did it.

I'm still working on the smaller box...