Saturday 19 October 2013

Snow is cool

Well, maybe I was overacting a bit yesterday. Afterall, I do have Finnish genes, and I'm naturally capable of handling snow, as soon as I get used to it. You know that I was only born last March, so I hadn't seen snow ever before.
The lady of the house thought it was time for me to get aqcuainted with the with stuff, so out we went!
I approached the white substance carefully, but as soon as my paws touched it, I just loved it! Did you know that you can scrape it, and leave nice paw marks on it? I bet you could even pee on it if given the change! I didn't stay out too long because it was a bit chilly, but this was really a nice change to my indoor life.
Winter, bring it on!


  1. Snow can be fun, Carlos, but you want to be a little careful with it. It will tend to stick to your furrs, and snow turns to water when you go back inside. Can be confusing if you aren't expecting it.

    1. Good point, I noticed it too. There is so much new stuff for a youn cat like me!

  2. Oh you is a brave kitty Carlos! Sometimes our bean brofur throws Sasha out in the snow but he always comes back in furry quick!
    Have a great weekend.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  3. dood...ewe betcha ewe can pee on it...N when ya due...its like snow changes colorz !!

  4. It does? Cool! I guess it's the same thing the big one was telling the small ones, that they should never eat yellow snow? Did you know that all the kids eat snow? Disgusting...
