Monday 14 October 2013

I'm fine

As you can see, I'm still fine. The day with the smallest entertainers went surprisingly well. The lady of the house and the big one had managed to get two babysitters for the smallest ones. One was called the grandmother and the other was called Netflix. With the combination of these two, I even had some quality alone time during the day! I guess this week will be OK after all!


  1. We're glad you're okay, Carlos. Don't forget you are featured in our Meet and Greet tomorrow, Tuesday. (Not sure of the time difference.)

    1. Thanks, I'll think the week will be tolerable after all. Thanks for featuring me, it was fun!

  2. We're a little surprised you got bothered at all, with those two babysitters working.

    1. Yes, they actually barely noticed me, even so much I'm starting to feel a bit neglected! I might need to remind them of my existence...

  3. dood...we hope netflix wuz all bout garfield !!! N gram mawz bee de best...sum times they will take de wee babez outta de houz for a long time....then ya haz all kinds oh peace N quiet N all de food in de fridge ta yur self !!!

  4. Yes, grandmothers are the best. Today we have the kind of grandmother in the house who loves to do housework! The lady of the house appreaciates that very much!

  5. Hi Carlos nice to meet you! Hope grandmother and Netflix are able to take care of things your way :)

  6. Hello!, Yes, the combination worked perfectly!
