Friday 1 November 2013


Happy Halloween and all that. I see many of you blogging cat friends are celebrating Halloween and having some creepy funny time. You can consider this pic to be my contribution, this will be my Halloween costume.

I'm McCat.
Is it Halloweenish?
You see, we don't traditionally celebrate Halloween in my country. During recent years some of that stuff has made it's way here, and nowadays the kids might dress up and go to Halloween parties. Anyhow, no-one goes trick or treating. We do that kind of stuff during easter, but not now.
So I hope you have fun also on behalf of me, I will just enjoy my basic Friday evening with my staff.


  1. McCat is purrfect! Mommy wants to know if you smell like McFries and McHamburgers, too. Two of her favorite smells!!

    1. The lovely McSmell tempted me to the bag in the first place, I think that my fur got a bit of the sweet scent too!

  2. dood...yur coztoom bee rockin....burgerz.. bags... N kittehs...werld doez knot get any better....less ya got flounder, friez N foodz in general !!!...N frank lee any kinda any thing that ree quires de constant ringin oh de door bell iz KNOT a good eye dea in R book...heerz two a grate week oh end, eat sum pie....see ya monday :)

    1. I know, bags are great! You're right if the doorbell would be ringing all the time, I would be so exhausted since I would need to guard, watch and greet EVERYONE who visit us! Have a nice weekend you too!

  3. I love your costume Carlos! It's perfect for a cat :)

  4. Gostei de seu traje de McCat hehehe
    Bom fim de semana

  5. McCat! Good one!!!!!! Watch out for those handles on the bag, I heard of a kitty getting strangled by those :( It's best just to cut them off.

    1. Oh, how scary! I'll have to keep that in mind!

  6. That's a great bag you got there. We love bags...almost as much as boxes!

    1. Yes, there surely is something in those bags...
