Tuesday 25 February 2014

Kitchen patrol

Everytime the secretary is doing something in the kitchen, I will need to proceed with my kitchen patrol duties.

I usually jump on the table to watch more closely what she is doing, but this is another spot I like to hang out. It's right next to the garbage bin cabinet, and sometimes there can be real treats going to the garbage bin! If I'm fast enough, I can grab a bite or two before the door closes!
So I better be prepared...


  1. We agree Carlos, be prepared!
    Humans tend to be messy and drop goodies on the floor too ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  2. I often supervise the peep while she is in the kitchen, too. I HAVE to do it. My peeps need so much supervision.


  3. dood....grate eye dea....N hay...haz ya ever knocked over de trash bin...once itz like filled ta de top
    N fulla all kinda oh things that can stink, drip, run, stain...ya noe...FUN kitteh stuff !!! heerz two a ton
    o trout twoozday....hope yur enjoyin brake time with yur staff !!

  4. Oh we hope you get to grab a bite!

  5. I do the same thing! I also love the corners on the floor, lots of good crumblies there! Love, Cody
