Tuesday 17 June 2014

Not fair...

...that our summer is still missing!! It's been so freaking cold here that in some parts of Finland it has SNOWED a little! Luckily not in our hoods, but not too far from us either.

It's so unfair! They say it's warmer in Alaska than here. We have Midsummer celebrations coming up next weekend!!! The thermometer says it's around +10 degrees celsius with freezing cold wind now. I think we need to relocate somewhere... Any tips?


  1. Come here to southern California, Carlos! It is in the 70s here right now - not hot for us and probably perfect for you!

  2. You could teleport to the province of Ontario, Canada. It's warm in our area, but not too hot yet, though our humidity will be a factor later this week. Then it gets too muggy, but right now it's nice. Low 20s C. :-)

  3. Claro! Venham morar no Brasil! hehehe
    Querido Carlos você parece tão solitário espiando por essa janela, mas você tem um pouco de sol, então não é muito ruim.

  4. Maybe you should come see us in Florida, how does the 80's F. sound? I have never even seen snow, though Jackson has when he lived up north.

  5. dood....we haz sum tipz....stand bak coz we iz sendin sum mega sun N heet yur way....it bee 90 in de shade heer in Tt & de heet index iz like off sum bodeez chart...they can come take it ....frank lee...we hate summer...we like ta sing a song bout how we hate summer...stay tooned...it will be singed yet bee fore august ♫♫♪♪♫♪

  6. Well, here in Minnesota it is 29 degrees Celsius. And lots of Scandinavians here, because the winters are sort of like "home" but we get some hot summers.
    Mommy is half Norwegian. Her mommy's mommy and daddy came from there on a boat!

  7. We live in Nova Scotia,Canada and it is around 16-20C.
    Not exactly hot, but not cold either.
    We hope it warms up more when Summer starts on Saturday!
    It's always nice indoors though ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. Come live with us in Las Vegas! Mommy says to bring your furniture, too...she loves it.

  9. Wow that is crazy! If you want warmer, try Texas ;)

  10. Älkää ainakaa eteläSuomea ajatelko....Täällä on alle 10!

  11. we are nice and hot, want us to send you some?

  12. Oh no, Carlos! It's hot here...we'll send you some.

  13. You don'ts want to come here Carlos. We is rainy and cool and mom bean says it doesn't look like it will warm up for several days. But if we do see summer anytime soon we'll tell it to visit you too!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  14. Ten degrees? MOUSES! That isn't fair at all.

    We've been in the low to medium twenties a lot which is pretty nice although the peep has some plants she says would like it to be a little warmer. Maybe in July...

