Sunday 14 September 2014

Fishes here, fishes there...

...fishes EVERYwhere! OMC, the second day at the cottage was filled with fish! The kids were fishing the basic old fashioned way, and the amount of small perches they got was just amazing to a kitty like me! There were so many of them that I couldn't even eat them all! I would have been allowed to, but I just couldn't, what a shame...

Even my secretary got me a perch! Here it is!

Yummy! I wish all of you could have  joined me, I could have offered you a nice dinner!

See? Two buckets filled with fresh real live living fish! Sometimes life is good!


  1. Wow, Carlos that is a lot of fishes! We thinks you is going to have a feast!!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. That looks great Carlos! You should have seen all the fish we caught this summer at the lake. There were some really big ones you probably would have liked.

  3. Oh boy! You got real live fishes!!!
    We are jealous too ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. What a shame to have so many fish and not enough of an appetite. Glad you are having fun.

  5. Perhaps they can bring them home for you for later?

  6. DOOD !!! this iz awesum.....tell de staff ta stay at de cottage N due nothin but catch perch for ewe...well, let
    them come home for Christmas so you can get some presents.....but at this rate ewe will haz perch ta eat till
    twoozday ! ☺

  7. Carlos, you're gonna be eating well!
