Saturday, 22 November 2014

The secret passage

I have found a secret passage in our kitchen! The secretary was just about in time to take a couple on pictures when I used it.

There, I found it! The secret passage between the kitchen cabinets. I have my head in there already.

Pooff!! Where am I? You can't see me but I'm there!

See? I'm coming out in the other side!

There! I'm out! That was quite exciting and fun! 

Happy Caturday!


  1. What an awesome passageway, Carlos! I hope there is something like that here.

  2. Furry interesting Carlos!!! We don'ts have one of those and mom bean says she is glad 'cuz she thinks one of us might get stuck halfway up, MOL

    Sasha. Sami, & Saku

  3. Oh, that is so cool!
    Wish we had one!
    What a way to scar your Mom!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  4. Oho! Aikamoinen seikkailija!

  5. dood !!! we wanna mewve ta yur houz....
    we dont haz any thing even close two az kewl as thiz....
    we due knot even haz any passages....we knead a ree model !!!

    due ewe hide stuff in ther !! ??
