Tuesday 16 December 2014


My work is finally done! The humans forgot to close the door so I had unlimited acces to the tiny Christmas tree. By the way, I'm totally blaming the Spiderman for this! Not sure if the humans believe me but that's my story and I'm sticking to it! Also, just between us, the Spiderman is really called Timo. I probably shouldn't have revealed this information, but I know I can trust that you don't tell this any further!

So now, bring on the big tree, I'm ready!!


  1. Looks like the big tree will be in big trouble!


  2. Paws up, Carlos! I think "Timo" did a great job.

  3. dood...timo all ways looked rather sly ta uz even if we haz knot seen him much, if at all, on yur blog...
    N if hiz hand...rite...ther....by....de....tree.....iz knot proof enuff for hiz wrong doings...well then call
    uz burd lvoers

  4. Well, whoever did it, it was a great ob of un-decorating. Just wait a couple of weeks, and the beans will be thanking you...er we mean Timo. MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
