Monday 16 February 2015


How we miss summer right now... The weather outside is cold and the roads are so icy that it's difficult to walk anywhere.

The good thing is that the days are getting lighter. But there is still time to pass until we can go to the lake cottage where we are longing for so much right now.

Let's throw in one more picture from last summer. Me and the fishes.

Need I say more? Summer, come along already!


  1. We agree with you Carlos...we are ready for summer!
    That 1st pic looks very much like a lake close to where we love.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. Carlos, Mommy says she hopes it's that gorgeous when she's there...mid April!

  3. I hope you get to do some fishing this summer, Carlos!

  4. We'd be happy for spring to come soon, but summer will be even better! Mom bean says those photos are stunning...well, of course the last one is, 'cuz you're in it Carlos! Sometimes she's a silly bean, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  5. You need to come visit us Carlos. It is nice and warm here.


  6. dood....theze bee AWESUM fotos.....thanx for sharin... !!! N we remeburr de fish picture...
    N it seems ta uz if we ree call in R minds eye yur staff eated em all.....thatz gonna knead
    ta change thiz yeer for sure....♥♥♥

  7. We miss summer, too. Right now it's like the frozen tundra outside here.
