Sunday 5 April 2015

Sick leave

The secretary is out of order today, should be back on track tomorrow. Well, a way to spend the holidays surely too! Who would like to be sick on a working day anyway!!

I've been mostly avoiding her, minding my own business. 

Well, waiting for some better days!


  1. Purrs your secretary is well soon.
    So, you have been amusing yourself...stealing the secretary's clothes?
    Happy Easter
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  2. dood...long as her doez knot forgetz ta feed ewe....ya mite hafta put in a
    3:19 AM ree minder....♥♥!

  3. We hope she's feeling better soon, Carlos.

  4. We is sending our purrs that your secretary feels better soon. We wouldn't want you missing out on a meal or scritches or something.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
