Saturday 30 May 2015

Oh the humiliation...

Kitties, I'm sure you feel with me the frustration and the humiliation the humans  sometimes make us innocent cats feel. Just look at this picture! They made me wear a stupid PINK bow, that actually is a part of a BUNNY COSTUME!!! Sometimes I really would like to hire new staff...

Anyway, have a happy Caturday!


  1. Oh, sweet one, you never were around when Skeezits was around. He showed everycat that pink is truly a manlycat color! Wear it proud (and it does look fine against your handsome furs)!
    Hey, I'm a girl kitty and I think you are very handsome with your manlycat bowtie!
    That counts!!!

  2. Carlos, we are surprised you are sitting calmly with that bow tie :o
    We would have shredded that thing and Mom by now ;)
    By the way, you do look good wearing it :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. You is so handsome Carlos, pink bow or not. Beans are silly things and we kitties has to be so pawtient with them. Or maybe scratch them.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. That's worth a hairball in the shoe!


  5. Oh Carlos, that just does not suit you at all!

  6. OMC, Carlos. That is so wrong. At least they should give you a blue bowtie to wear.

  7. iz de new IN kinda colorz for uz doodz....tho frank lee itz all wayz
    been a IN kinda colorz round heer...gram paw dude hada pink blanket that
    him loved az much az hiz kibble !! ♥♥♥
