Saturday 26 December 2015

Some ham maybe

The most traditional Christmas dish, the ham is soon finished. It's the big one who prepares it every Christmas. This year it came out extra delicious, and I have gotten some tasty bits of it. I'll get back to my canned food soon enough, but now some more ham please!


  1. I didn't get any human treats for the holidays this time - the humans ate lots of boring vegetarian stuff.

  2. Good to see that you were treated well this Christmas with tasty foods :)
    Some of the decorations in our home.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Yummy ham, that's pawsome! I, Saku got a bit of turkey but my fursibs didn't. Mom bean says they don't care for it. I'll eat anything...

    Saku, Sasha, & Sami

  4. Our humans had ham too but didn't give us any. So unfair.
