Thursday, 13 February 2014


I'm being neglected again. Even though my secretary is at home and I keep close to her, she still doesn't concentrate on ME! She says she's organizing the kids rooms. Hmph. 

This is what I think about that, I'm yawning at her. I guess I'd better take a nap.

By the way, the secretary has been too busy to answer the comments you have so kindly left here. I think I will need to send a note to her other boss to give her a rest, since it's starting to affect her MAIN job! She says she would aim to be better at coming to visit and comment on your blogs from now on. I hope it's fine with you, it's so nice to get comments anyways! 


  1. And I'm assumin' that one of those kids' rooms isn't yours, huh? MOUSES!


    1. Nope... I'd like to sleep in this room during the night, but the kids have started to lock me out!! They claim I'm making too much noise in the evening when they are trying to sleep!

  2. dood...lotz oh peepulz reed blogs N never leeves commints sew with that yur mom bee outta trubull...HOWEVER if her iz like sittin...rite ther... N canna even say...carlos...wood ewe like me ta fix ewe a nice t bone steak...then yes her IZ in trubull coz her shuld bee fixin a steak N knot.....usin de kids room iz an old eggzcuse. !!!! happee thurzday !!

    1. You're right my secretary is very often in trouble!

  3. Well, at least you will be well-rested when she is ready to pay more attention to you!

  4. Hyvää päivää teille! ♥

  5. Hello Carlos, nice to meet you ! We loved reading your interview on Mousebreath ! What you said about your mom and the blogging stuff is the same here : cats are soooooo much more interesting... We're looking forward to reading your next adventures ! Purrs

    1. Well hello, nice to meet you here! Just hang on, there's always something happening here!

  6. Hey, Carlos! I read your interview on Mousebreath and decided to come check you out. Nice blog! I signed up to follow. Looking forward to future posts!

    1. Thank you and welcome! It's always nice to meet new readers here! I hope to see you again!

  7. Your human needs to get her priorities straight! You are #1!

  8. Yeah Carlos our Dad gets all behind and stuff with visiting our pals due to work, blah.
    There needs to be a change in the world. If a family has a cat with a blog they need to have one full time person helping said cat.
    What-cha think?

    1. I think you are absolutely right! Actually, I think my secretary would like to do this full time, but she claims she needs another job to by my food. Bummer.
