Tuesday 4 February 2014

Just writing stuff...

I thought I'd give my secretary a day off and write this post myself.

This stupid computer didn't even let me access it, I have no idea what the password would be!

Also, the kitten paws aren't exactly designed for using the keyboard.
I had to give up and ask the secretary to help out.
Well, a boss shouldn't try to do the stuff their workers are supposed to do, that is just how it is.


  1. You're so right! It's the job of your human to take your dictation, no need to try to manipulate the keyboard yourself.

    1. Yes. I don't know what came into me with that stupid idea!

  2. dood...de pazzwerd iz...

    get Carlos sum dinner bee fore him pazzez out on de floor inna faint coz him haz knot had a thing ta eat in 5 minitz....

    itz case senssitive sew make sure ta put caps lock on yur C !!!

    1. Thanks dood! That is quite a long but a perfectly reasonable password!

  3. Querido Carlos, é melhor deixar a sua secretária fazer isso por você. Eu também tive problemas ao tentar digitar para meus amigos, então eu pedi para minha secretária fazê-lo por mim. Você me viu, no domingo, brincando com o gato preto do seu cabeçalho? Passa lá no blog para ver.

  4. Darn passwords, and not having thumbs is an issue too! Glad you got your secretary to tippy tap for you.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Yes. I'm too intelligent to do that kind of basic tasks. I should always remember that.

  5. Maybe you can get one of those computers that types what you meow, Carlos. :)
