Wednesday 17 June 2015

Cat on a tree stump

I found this spot, a thin tree stump on the lakeside and decided to practice my balance a bit. My secretary thought I looked quite funny. 

It's the two years anniversary today for the day I arrived to this family. It also happens to be the birthday of one of the kids. Two years have passed fast, and I have to say I quite like it here. My staff takes me to places, and even though I might be suspicious at first, it usually ends up being pretty nice.

So to my staff, thank you for bearing with my moodswings and other feline specialities. I promise I will do my best to surprise you in so many ways you didn't think were possible even in the future. Anyways, I luh ya!!


  1. DOOD !!!! a veree happee 2 yeerz two ewe...hapee gotcha day buddy N heerz ta 22 mor....

    best oh fishes, mice creem dishes & happee day wishes ♫♪♫♪♫♪...we hope yur day iz fun FUN
    ...enjoy...thiz foto rocks bye de way...ya haz eggs cell ant balancin skillz.....N we hope ya get a nice
    cake and may bee purrhaps a steak.☺☺☺ heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz &
    health ♥♥♥

    and veree happee birthday two yur small staff purrson az well ~~~ !!! ☺☺☺

  2. Happy Gotcha Day Carlos!
    Happy Birthday to one of your minions ;)
    We think you were lucky to get to live with this family as they treat you well :)
    We purr you get spoiled today! (more than usual)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Happy Gotcha Day Carlos! and Happy Birthday to your junior staff bean too!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. That photo is adorable :) Happy Gotcha Day! And Happy B'day to the kid too :)

  5. You've got great balance, Carlos. Happy Gotcha Day!
