Saturday, 6 June 2015

Good morning!

Actually it's already evening here, but I bet it's morning somewhere!

Anyhow, this morning I noticed that the secretary wasn't using her pillow entirely.

There seemed to be a spot for me so I took it. She said it was quite nice to wake up to my purrs. Anything to make her happy, anything.


  1. Awww...that is so sweet of you to purr you secretary awake...and to share her pillow too. :)

    Have a good weekend Carlos!
    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  2. I think waking up to a kitty's purrs is the BEST way to wake up!

  3. dood....that waz veree considerate oh ewe....{ haz her finded de mouse ya catched & putted UNDER de pillow yet !! }

