Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Staying in shape

I'm a handsome cat with a slim figure, and I try to keep it that way. It doesn't come for free though, I need to keep moving to burn those calories. Climbing is a good exercise, but the possibilities indoors are unfortunately quite limited. I also like to do the basic cat thing; dash, plunge and swoop preposterously around the house. That is very effective, and it's fun too. People should try that sometimes, it might cheer them up a bit.
After exercising, you should never forget to stretch proprely. Cats are veeeery good at stretching. As todays pictures, I will show you my favourite stretching moves on my climbing pole:

Hello, let's start the exercise!

 Stretching my neck here...

Keep moving, keep moving...

Paws ready.....

...and streeeeeetccchhh!
There. Now it's time for another nap. Bye bye!

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