Thursday 16 July 2015

Good night from me to you!

Have to catch some sleep, since we're going to the lake again. The humans are going to be so busy painting the walls and everything, that they don't have time to watch my every move... So I might just  try to sneak out again...

See you!


  1. dood...a good nite two ewe, dreem oh lake fried perch, haza fun fun time at de lake....we bee offline til monday
    sew see ya then...hope ya haz sum fish tales ta tell uz then !!

    heerz two an arctic char kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  2. Smart kitty to rest up for a weekend at the lake.
    If ya make it outside you will have lots of energy to run around :)
    Just be sure not to get lost or make your mom worry too much.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  3. Have fun at the lake, Carlos. We hope you get some more fish.
