Thursday 30 July 2015

Imagine this

My mom made the bed for me! Imagine this: soft double mattresses, pillowtop mattress, sheets, covers and finally a fluffy duvet under my skinny butt. I guess I can sleep here!


  1. will due... ☺☺☺ tho it WOOD bee nice if ther was a nice snax tray by de pillows sew when ya wake up ya
    can munch on sum fish ore sum thin ..... ya noe !!! ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  2. Great napping spot Carlos. You know you butt is a little skinny, the tabbies of trout towne has a good idea to make it a little less skinny, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  3. You look SO comfy.
    Your folks are your slaves ;)
    Good that they treat you well,heehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
