Saturday 11 July 2015

In the meantime at the lake

And so we went to the lake again. Good news is that my new cottage is nearly finished! I got to inspect the indoor spaces thoroughly. I found a lot of good but some bad things too. 

The good thing is that the cottage has loads of big windows. I can easily check out the outdoor life even while I'm indoors. 

The downside with the big windows is, that the humans can also clearly see when they are coming in, if I'm by the door waiting for a possibility to sneak out... Have to plan a new strategy for that...

Have a good Caturday!


  1. You wouldn't sneak out Carlos.

  2. I'm sure you'll figure out a workaround, Carlos.

  3. Check out that cat television Carlos! Those are pawsome. We can understand why you'd want to get outside.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  4. We think your new cabin is great, Carlos.

    1. Thanks, me too! Allthough all the new spaces and smells and everything needs to be examined thoroughly.

  5. dood...yur cottage iz sew kewl....N de viewz R grate !!!!!! burd free treez az far az de eye can see......we iz gel uz ~~ ENJOY ♥♥♥

    1. Thanks! You're right, for some reason there aren't loads of birds flying around...
