Wednesday 24 September 2014


OMC, we weren't prepared for this at ALL! The first snow fell last night!

There wasn't much of it, but some anyways! We don't like snow! Well the kids love it but we others don't. 

Luckily we know that this snow will melt quite fast, but we consider us warned. The winter is coming sooner or later...

This is a dying snowball. The kids made it in the morning when they had like two minutes to go to school. But as proper Finns they are, they can make a decent snowball in seconds. In the afternoon it was still alive, but I know it won't make it for long...


  1. Yes, indeed this is a huge shock to us too. We saw it fall today but it did not settle on the ground. We hope it warms up soon - we are not ready for winter just yet. Keep warm dude.

  2. dood.....seer ee iz lee !!! snow in septemburr iz az crazed aza vizshuz squirrel drivin hiz self ta de park in a car....tho troo lee de small purrsonz DID a grate job on de snowball :) ♥

  3. Thank cod we never get this stuff where we live!


  4. Snow already!? I wonder if I'll ever see snow - I'll have to travel if I want to do that!

  5. Snow? MOUSES! We haven't had any of the white stuff yet and we live in Canada! Out west they had some, though. Had it a week or two ago. Bet it has all melted now.


  6. Yuck! We have not had that stuff yet and are very happy to wait a long time for it too!
    Good thing your snow did not last long!
    Well, except maybe that snowball ;)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
