Thursday 26 December 2013

Game on!

The staff had their annual Christmas tournament with the table icehockey game. Yes, it's pretty embarrassing, they are adults and all... The game was so intense, that I had to step in as a referee.
But I guess I took my role a bit too seriously and got a bit carried away...

Man down, man down! One of the players took a nasty fall when I happened to push him a little with my paw... But not to worry, there is nothing wrong with him! The staff helped him up to his skates again and he was able to continue the game.
The result? The big one won of course, the lady of the house tried really hard but she didn't really stand a change.


  1. Watch out, Carlos! You may find yourself in the penalty box!

  2. dood....wee bee typin frum a mobile dee vizee that haz de speed o snail...wanted ta say hope yur christmas wuz a good one N ya getted sum way kelw stuff. lotzz oh treetz, toyz, N salmon.....ore floundr mackereull ore trout !!!

    1. Oh dood, I sure hope you get your connections sorted out soon! How can a blogging cat survive without that! I had a lovely Christmas and got everything I wanted!

  3. You were just on the offence Carlos, good work!

    Sounds like you had a great Christmas, even if the lady didn't win the game, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. I think so too!
      Yes, I had really good Christmas! Now I kind of wish my staff would already go back to their other jobs, so that I could get some peace and quiet. They are starting to get on my nerves...
