Thursday 5 December 2013

My new toy

I don't know what's wrong with the lady of the house, but today she brought me a new toy. I mean, it's not my birthday, not even Christmas yet, but she gives me a present. I got a bit suspicious. But it was a nice toy!

Here it is. I just love this kind of furry and feathery toys. The only problem is, that I get bored with new toys quite quickly. At first I was very excited and I was even grawling when I first took this thingie and went to examine it more closely under the table. But pretty soon I was finished with it. Neeeext!

Do you get  bored with your toys easily? The only thing I never get bored with is The Red Dot. I will NEVER get bored with The Red Dot. Speaking of which, I haven't seen it for a while. Maybe it's been visiting some of you?


  1. Hmm Carlos you seem quite suspicious with lots of things. You aren't paranoid are you? MOL ;) Your toy looks very cool!

    1. Paranoid? Me? Nooo.... ;-) A cat needs to be a bit careful every now and then...

  2. dood...may bee itz yur... tenth month birthday all most knot kinda like Christmas knot yet but just az good...toy...

    roll it in sum catnip ...that'll bring de spark bak ...

    ore better yet tell yur mom ta put ewe on de "365 days oh toys" plan...ya get a new one everee day !~

    1. Catnip, that's the solution! I have to get catnip asap!

  3. EVERY DAY is Christmas when you’re a cat. Get used to it.

    1. You are absolutely right. Thank you for reminding me. I think I have been too modest, infact, I think I should demand MORE from my staff!

  4. I get SUPER bored with my toys but I DO love the red dot and the Friskies ipad games. I have a giant tub of toys that I need to donate! Love, Cody

    1. Yes, though I think I need to try the catnip tip da tabbies suggested. That might help.

  5. That looks like a fun toy. Yeah, we get tired of our toys too. But we always love something stuffed with some good nip!

    1. I guess I need to try out the nip thing very soon...
