Tuesday 17 December 2013

The handy cat

Today I had some maintenance work to do, I had to install a lamp on the ceiling. My assistant brought in the ladder, and I climbed up to inspect the situation.

I need to put the power cord there....

...and the lamp will hang at this height...

There! Finished! Much better and lighter this way I would say. My staff is so lucky to have me. Otherwise they wouldn't get anything done!


  1. dood...ewe betcha they iz fortunate ta haz ewe....plus...now ya can jump on top oh de shade N swing cross de room back N forth ...hay...try this N see if ewe can hit de lite two de rite... !!! just dont swing bak towards de pick sure coz de ride will bee over with kinda quik !!!

    1. Thanks dood, you always have the best ideas! I will try that as soon as possible. Well... do you think the Santas elfs are looking...?

  2. Você fez um excelente trabalho Carlos, espero que sua família saiba apreciar, eu acho que você merece uma recompensa!

  3. We thinks you is furry brave to climb the ladder. Mom says she is more impressed with your electrical abilities. Well, of course you has a electric personality...you's a cat, right?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Thanks, I really enjoy the heights, the higher the better! Well, I'm a multitalented cat you know!

  4. Ha! Our Nicki is the same way--strap on a kitty tool belt and "help" out. :-P

    You are most welcome to take our snow. It's early for us to have so much and we're all sick of winter...when it hasn't officially started yet!

    1. A kitty tool belt, that's exactly what I need! Just send the snow here, the whole country would welcome it by Christmas!

  5. Great job, Carlos! I love to climb the ladder too.


    1. Thanks! This was the first time I have seen such a ladder, it was much fun!
