Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Finally a box for me!

I've been dreaming of a box since boxing day. I never knew the actual meaning of the boxing day before I was enlightened by many fellow feline bloggers! Well, a kitten doesn't have the knowledge of everything automatically, I'm still learning stuff. So, after the boxing day I have been telling my staff to get me a decent box ASAP. Nothing has happened until now! The lady of the house showed me this box and said it was all mine!
But what a disappointment! A box so small that even a sleek and slim kitten couldn't fit into that! What a letdown I say!

I really tried to get inside of the box, but it was just too small. I require a decent and big enough box for me ASAP! Do I need to draw it to my staff before they get it?


  1. Oh, how unfair. Of course you need a Carlos-sized box! Give your staff a "fail" for that one!

    1. Yes, this was deifinitely an understatement...

  2. dood...frank lee ...yes...ewe will either hafta draw de box ore search de internetz for one suit a bull for yur kneads N send it two yur self sew ewe in tern can show yur peepulz....dont let them surf de web ther self or ewe will end up with another inferior model....

    1. Yes, I need to take care of this myself, the humans obviously don't know what they are doing!

  3. Just find something that the humans want (that happens to have a proper sized box for you) and encourage them to purchase this thing. Nudge gently on the computer screen whenever they pull the item up on the internet. Works every time.

  4. Just go on line to amazon,order a few books or stuffs for the staff and the box will come automatically. They'll be pleased with the contents and you will score the box!

    1. Maybe amazon is the answer... this useless thing for a box came from ebay!

  5. Carlos! Try again! We bet you can fit in that box!

  6. Geeze they need to get you an appropriate box!
