Thursday 9 January 2014

The notorious black fish

The other day I was able to capture the big ugly black fish with the flashy box. This dood is seldom visible, he likes to be stuck on the piece of wood inside the aquarium. But every now and then he (or she, how  would I know!!) crawls out of his hide-out to eat or to suck something out of the aquarium glass. Weird. I will never understand the ways of the fishes. I only get them when they are laying still on my plate.

But just take a look at this creature! I think this is as ugly as ugly can get! I'm sure you understand now that he would be capable of anything, for example dropping the flower pot!

Yuck! No wonder he is hiding most of the time! But I'll tell you, he keeps the other fishes in order! Nobody touches his food when he is good and ready to eat. Nobody. Good thing I don't like fish food.
Anyhow, the rumor has it that the fishes are looking for a new home. My staff is worried that I might do something drastic to the aquarium some day. They have made some security precautions with the aquarium already, but my increasing interest for fishing hasn't gone un-noticed by them.  Well, we'll see if the fish will find a new home before I get to them....  


  1. Dude, do you think you could actually catch that fish ? I mean, he looks pretty spiky and one of those in the paw pad would really hurt.

    1. Well, I have been concentrating on the other fishes to be honest... This one sure doesn't even look delicious.

  2. He looks pretty ugly and scary to us. We bet s/he WOULD be capable of anything!

    Well, if your losing your fish entertainment, though, perhaps some gerbil or hamster entertainment would be more suitable. :-D

    1. I think so too!
      Well, I heard the othe kid asking for a hamster or something, but the lady of the house gave him a firm NO. She claims I'm enough work for them for now....

  3. Al Gee eater if ever we saw one which we haznt...we iz just makin that up coz frank lee better an Al Gee eater than de glassknife fish....knot onlee iz de knifefish knot good ta eat ..but like him all reddy haza knife on hiz purrson ?...forget tryin ta catch N seer him on de grill....him wood be just az like lee ta stab uz ore sum thin....whoa....

    1. Yep, I think I'll leave this beast in peace...

  4. Ewwww..that guy better taste better than he looks, MOL.

    Good luck with the fishing.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

    1. Thanks! I think I concentrate on the other fishes..

  5. I have a fishy, but he lives outside. I am glad he made it through this polar vortex, because the top of his pond has frozen a few times. I hear goldfish are coldwater fish anyways.

    1. Oops, the fishes don't have it easy! Well, around here all the fishes in the sea and the lakes do that, but then again, you don't see any goldfish around here :-) Except in the aquariums!

  6. That is one weird looking fish. We wonder how he would taste.

    1. Yes he really is. I think he tastes as bad as he looks.
