Thursday 2 January 2014

It wasn't me!

I swear it was the big black ugly fish from the aquarium who did this! You have no idea what he is capable of when you are away!

I swear I didn't do this!!

But can I please sniff the dirt while it's just laying there on the floor?

P.s. A note from the secretary, she already regrets writing the fact number 10. about me in the awards post. Feels like she has jinxed things now.


  1. Ha! It's always Not Me in our house. In fact, Not Me seems to be very busy in kitty homes!

    BTW, we have only two floor plants left in the house and one isn't doing so well (not our fault, seriously). We also don't have any breakables, either, for reasons that begin with N (Nicki).

    1. Yes, it most definately was either the fish or the Not Me person. My staff don't like to keep much stuff on their tables anyway, and if they do, I usually get rid of those things.

  2. ooooo....potting soil !!!!! roll in de dirt play time....hay, just make sure yur mom gets de busted vase outta yur
    way furst.....soak up a bunch oh dirt buddy then go roll on de sofa !!!

    1. I was JUST about to do that, but the lady was faster than me... Darn!!

  3. Hmmm those big black ugly fish can be a real nuisance it seems... hehehe

  4. You have +5C temps? In Finland? In winter?

    Oh, boy...We ought to be emigrating....The news guy just said it's colder here than it is on Mars. LOL. How's that for perspective?

    Wishing you continued good temps!

    1. Yep, it's pretty weird. Theyn even say they might need to "cancel the winter", since the temps are back on such a high level after a short colder period. We don't mind otherwise, but some snow would help lightening up this darkness!

  5. Oh Carlos! Have a happy pawesome new year! Me-Ommmmm

  6. Of course it wasn't you! It doesn't even look like something a kitty would do! It might have even jumped onto the floor all by its self. At any rate, we can only offer you 2 pieces of advice - NEVER look guilty, and never ask for permission! Then you will be just fine!

    1. That is a very reasonable possibility too! I need to keep that in mind for the next time I...something like this happens!

  7. If it wasn't the fish, maybe it was the infamous "Not Me." He seems to make the rounds. :)
